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When Lynda leads worship, heaven is released on earth!

It has been a huge privilege to be part of Lynda’s worship team at Catch the Fire House of Prayer.  I’ve been changed as a person and musician through what God has done during times of worship. As well as carrying an anointing, she has the heart and character grown in the private place that allows her to lay down constraints, inhibitions and expectations to follow wherever the Holy Spirit leads.  Every worship set is a journey into the heart of the Father, where songs, words, strategies, plans and decrees are revealed and released, and both individuals and the atmosphere are transformed. 

Jo Dunbar




I have sung with Lynda on a worship team for over 4 years. During this time I have experienced the depths of what takes place when she leads worship.  Lynda is one of those people that connects deeply with the Spirit of God, and almost every time during a worship set, something supernatural happens.  I've had amazing heavenly encounters in these times of worship, seen and heard things clearly in the spirit more than ever before, and have experienced a deeper revelation of God's heart.  Since I have been singing with Lynda, the prophetic in my life has increased, and I've learned how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and let him have control.  It has revolutionized my way of leading worship as well as my own personal time with God.  I had the privilege of growing and learning under Lynda's tutelage as a worship leader and a true lover of Jesus, which I can honestly say has been one of the most life changing and key things that contribute to where I am today.  So blessed by this precious ministry!

Shaloma Sam (Webb) 

Song Writer & Itinerant Worship leader



Delight and breakthrough happen with the sound of Lynda's worship.  Barriers crumble and set free the soul to rise up and dance.  Her voice ignites us to be who we are created to be, uniting us in the Father's love.

Brenda Tarasenko

Prophetic Artist



I consider Lynda a friend, spiritual mother, teacher and mentor.  Lynda pursues the heart of Jesus for every worship set she leads, obeying His leading, no matter what it looks like.  Encountering Him, and facilitating others in an encounter with Him is her priority.  I have personally received huge breakthrough in my life through her ministry in praise, worship and prayer.  I feel that Lynda carries a breaker anointing, and has a high level of authority in the spiritual realm, the fruit of many many years in the secret place.  Her depth of relationship with Jesus is evident both on stage, and off stage.  She lives out what she sings.  She has inspired me to forever pursue with whole hearted abandon, the only One worthy of all our praise.  I consider her a strong prophetic voice to this generation, that God has raised up for such a time as this, to prepare His church for the return of His Son, that we would be fully awakened in love.

Sara-Victoria Bryans

Intercessory Worship Missionary



I have been immensely impacted by Lynda's worship!  She is incredibly free, and led by the Spirit, moving wherever He takes her.  She is not afraid to wait on God and listen for what He is doing next.  She absolutely loves the Holy Spirit and this is very much evident in her worship!  She is such a gift to the Body of Christ, and her love song to Jesus is changing the world, one worship set at a time!

Trisha Cwir



I am able to easily enter into worship when Lynda leads.  I find that I have often been impacted by angelic presences.  I have not found it distracting, but rather that I am being made free of distractions, so that I can focus on the Lord.  I have also found that I am able to see in my spirit that I am ascending, through layers, levels, and dimensions, going up!  I have seen and experienced colors that I have never seen with my natural eyes before. Such beautiful colors.  Somehow, I feel that I am seeing the jewels of Heaven!

Lisa Hanson

Network Team

Glasgow Prophetic Alliance



I have had the pleasure of accompanying Lynda while the Holy Spirit leads worship.  By this, I mean that Lynda is at the front of the musicians, she begins to play, and then it's like she can smell that the Holy Spirit is doing something or going somewhere.  I have watched her enjoy the Spirit's aroma as He leads her through different songs, or into the realm where songs no longer have words.  It is always a pleasure to play with her, and very rarely predictable.  I find this so refreshing and freeing as a worshiper!

Erick Hanson

Missionary, Scotland


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